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how does
liSynce work?

Through liSynce, Tresóna is able to grant schools, districts, colleges, universities, and nonprofits blanket synchronization permissions for copyrighted musical works on behalf of over 4,900 music publishers.


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liSynce offers blanket synchronization permissions for songs owned and controlled by over 4,900 music publishers for a single, annual fee. This means that permission to use copyrighted music in a soloist or ensemble performance video is automatic, without needing to submit synchronization license requests or wait for approval.


Instead, liSynce users report videos they have uploaded online for on-demand streaming (and the songs being performed in those videos) to Tresóna, and Tresóna handles the rest.

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liSynce is available to US-based schools, school districts, charter school networks, private school networks, colleges, universities, nonprofits, and the US military. 


With liSynce, these organizations may create and stream videos of their soloist and ensemble performances on select streaming platforms and websites.


Coverage includes all musical performances by​ marching bands, percussion ensembles, instrumental ensembles, recitals, cheer teams, dance teams, color guards, concert bands, show choirs, choirs, symphony orchestras, community bands, A Capella troupes, barbershop quartets, and other like musical soloist and ensemble performances.


Coverage does not include

  • Dramatic musical performances

  • Professional musical performances

  • Commercial videos

  • Master use licensing for copyrighted sound recordings

Additional terms and restrictions apply. See Section 2 of the liSynce Agreement and our FAQs for more details.


Coverage lasts for an entire year.

Covered Organizations and Ensembles

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liSynce includes music owned or controlled by over 4,900 music publishers. Tresóna reviews all reported videos and copyrighted musical works, and will notify liSynce users if any copyrighted musical work, or portion thereof, is not covered under the liSynce Agreement.


Organizations can continue to request synchronization permissions directly from the music publisher or via Tresóna for any musical work that is not covered, or is only partially covered, by the liSynce Agreement. 

Music Coverage

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Videos may be uploaded to and streamed on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat.


Schools, districts, colleges, universities, and non-profits may also upload and stream videos on their own websites or on the ensembles' websites. Public performance licensing might be required for organizations that directly upload videos to their own website, rather than embedding videos first posted to YouTube or Facebook. Public performance licensing can be obtained from ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, GMR.


Collectively, these streaming platforms are called "Authorized Streaming Platforms."

Streaming Platforms

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Video Upload Requirements

Organizations must include their unique Tresóna Identification Number in a conspicuous location when uploading videos for on-demand streaming on authorized platforms, such as the public description section. A Tresóna Identification Number will be provided after submitting the completed liSynce Agreement.


Where applicable, organizations must enable rights holders to claim their copyrighted music included within the organization's videos. Organizations are not permitted to claim and monetize videos, nor charge members of the public to view them. Additional terms and restrictions apply. See Section 2 of the liSynce Agreement and our FAQs for more details. 

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Organizations must report all videos uploaded for on-demand streaming on authorized platforms (and the musical works used within them) to Tresóna. Once reported, a video does not need to be reported again during the term of the liSynce Agreement, but must be re-reported in any subsequent term or otherwise removed from streaming or muted.

Reporting Requirements

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In exchange for instant synchronization permissions, publishers retain the rights to

  • Continue to claim and monetize performance videos (meaning they may add advertisements to uploaded videos) on applicable streaming platforms

  • Continue to take down performance videos or issue take down notices for performance videos as desired

Publishers retain these rights as they are necessary for complying with instructions issued to them by the songwriters they represent (e.g., a songwriter might not permit her music to be used in any videos) or agreements they have entered into with third parties (e.g., a publisher may enter into an exclusive use agreement with a film production whereby the film will use a song as its main theme).

Ads and Video Takedowns

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In addition to granting organizations and ensembles synchronization streaming permissions, most music publishers are also including a covenant not to sue for videos that comply with the liSynce Agreement terms and conditions. The covenant not to sue provides extra peace of mind that organizations and ensembles will not be sued for permitted activities.

Covenant not to Sue

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To enroll in liSynce, organizations must sign and return the applicable liSynce Agreement to Tresóna. U.S. Military organizations must contact in order to receive their royalty fee rate.

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